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3 Jul
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Post Diwali tooth care – festivities and sugar can damage your kids teeth!

Well, we all crave for that perfect smile but not all of us have natural perfect teeth .. to get that perfect smile go with Aligners !
And the best way that more and more people are having success with beautiful smiles is through clear Aligners technology.
As the name suggests, they help align crooked teeth into the perfect position giving you that amazing smile !

The earlier concept was to use braces , but “Aligners” are the new in thing !
They are a series of tight-fitting custom-made mouthpieces that slip over your teeth and are aesthetically very subtle when compared to braces as they are transparent and invisible.
They are just like braces but detachable and definitely more aesthetic than steel or ceramic braces. They are made from a clear plastic or acrylic material and fit tightly over the teeth, and can be removed for eating, brushing, and flossing.
You’ll get a new aligner with tighter settings; every few weeks to continue moving the teeth into the desired

  1. Anyone at any age can get aligners– As the invisible teeth aligners are custom-built for a tight fit, they are best for adults and teens. Straightening a child’s teeth is more complicated. Young people, and their mouths, are still growing and developing; and hence using aligners is recommended only for young teenagers and adults and have found to be most effective for them .
  2. Underbites, Overbites or cross bites all can be set right –
    Clear orthodontic teeth aligners are usually used for those who have very minimal spacing issues and have moderately crowded teeth structure.  Those patients who might have issue with wide spacing or severe underbites, overbites, or crossbites — may need more complex treatment along with aligners, but they are bound to give u the best results
  3. Length of Treatment – The time taken to correct teeth with invisible aligners is based on how much the teeth need to be moved or rotated. The more your bite is off or the more crooked your teeth, the longer it will take. Treatment usually takes between 10 and 24 months. For some patients as little as 10 weeks are enough !
  4. Aesthetically pleasing and good to look at
    The main reason why adult patients decide to go in for clear aligners is that they appear invisible and are definitely prettier and more pleasing to look at than braces. This helps conceal the fact that the patient is undergoing any orthodontic treatment, which can be embarrassing for some adults.
  5. Easily Removable
    Unlike traditional fixtures or braces , Aligners are fixed and screwed in place. Aligners have the added advantage of being detachable by the persons themselves if required. Patients love having this ability to remove their clear aligners when they eat, brush or floss their teeth. This allows them to maintain good oral hygiene.
  6. Greater Health benefits
    Many patients who have traditional braces a bit difficult to properly take care of because of the lengthy cleaning routines  as they are unable to clean and brush properly. These deposits are visible when the braces are removed.
    Poor hygiene habits with traditional braces also may result in swollen gums ,gingivitis, and in a few cases with stomach infection from rotting food pieces in the mouth.
    Clear aligners help teeth quickly get in shape, comfortably, and accurately with minimum embarrassment and discomfort. They are indeed a great alternative to bracket and wire orthodontic and are therefore now a much popular option for orthodontic treatments . Chose the one that mimics the natural shade of your teeth and fits you the best.
    These aligners are definitely a better bet than traditional braces and look so nice that one cannot even know that the patient has put on braces, until they come up,  close and personal.

As is widely known, there are so many different brands to choose from and only your orthodontist can choose the best aligners for you . The price varies from each case to case.  Usually the price varies depending on the number of aligners used and the brand and the severity of the tooth alignment required.
Although this may seem a bit steep but given the benefit and convenience of the these clear braces it is definitely a small price to pay.
To get further information visit Partha Dental near you !

The Diwali festival is over and kids and adults have had more than their usual share of sweets and candies . Post Diwali , usually there is a spike in dental problems around whole of India and most affected are children !

With the fun and frolics and late night parties ,parents often forget to monitor tooth brushing and flossing and that leads to dental decay . Moreover , eating sugar filled sweets and candies too can cause extensive damage !

To safeguard against a post Diwali dental decay , ensure the following things –

* Your children should brush their teeth two or three times a day with a fluoride toothpaste specially after eating sweets or any sugary drink .

* Each brushing should last for a minimum of 2 minutes.

* Make sure they reach the back of the mouth with their brush and remove any lodged food particles.

* Your children, if they are older than 10 years need to floss once per day; children under 10 years may avoid flossing.

* Make sure they also clean their tongues that helps to  removes bacteria that can cause bad breath and smell their breath afterwards to see if they have cleaned it well.

* Avoid sticky foods like chips, cheese and candies that are very sticky.

* Lastly, do not forget brushing before sleeping as it removes the bacteria that causes cavities, otherwise it can play on the teeth for the full night and cause extensive damage.

Well, brushing and flossing are only half the issue , the other half is keep check on the sweets !

Watch Those Sweets

Kids just love to eat sweet things and candies and can munch on them the whole day, if not stopped as sugar gives a “rush” to their tiny brains and makes them feel happy!!!!

Sugar can harm their teeth and gums. Sugar enables harmful bacteria to thrive in your child’s mouth. So, to prevent any damage, make sure that they –

* They eat a healthy breakfast. Feed your children dalia, oatmeal , cornflakes, parantha etc, along with a serving of any fruit for breakfast and stay away from sugary cereals.

* Limit how often they eat sweets. It’s less harmful to a child’s teeth if he or she eats sweets once or twice a day rather than to eat sweets continuously.

* Teach them to brush everytime after eating sweets.

* Watch the snacks. Don’t just give your kids snacks during the day as a matter of course; they’ll let you know when they’re hungry. Provide healthy snacks, such as fruits, cut carrots, muskmelon, mangoes, guavas etc but not laddus or cake .

* Another big culprit is sweet drinks and sodas. Watch the sugary beverages. Limit the amount of coke, pepsi and other sweetened , packaged juices your child drinks. Suggest your child drink water after exercise. During meals, go with  butter milk instead of carbonated, sugary drinks like Coke , Pepsi etc . Even bottled fruit juices are high on sugar and can ruin the teeth enamel .

So post Diwali don’t just clean your house of stale Diya’s and left over sweets ,ensure your little ones sparkling smile remains intact too!

For any consultation contact us at Partha Dental !
