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2 Jul
Dental secrets

Dental secrets your dentist did not tell you …..

Many people are unaware of dental secretes. Most of us only go to a dentist when we are in pain, but there are some very important and interesting secrets that no dentist will ever tell you. The top 10 among them are these. Not only are these interesting but useful too. Have a look here…

1. Pain isn’t your biggest problem

Dental secrets You would rush to a dentist as soon as you have dental pain, but as any dentist would tell you, dental pain is not your biggest issue. Pain is the last pit stop. Just like any other body part, teeth too have to be kept healthy and primed. Cholesterol does not pain but it kills, similarly, dental decay, infected gums, and bad oral health can lead to heart issues and other diseases, even without feeling any pain.  Look out for infection and not pain is not your biggest problem, infection is!

2. Brush your back teeth more than the front

Evidently, most people brush only what they can see!  The average adult spends two or three minutes total, and kids do even worse and most of us only brush in front and not at the upper back of our teeth. The trick to healthy teeth is to have the right brushing technique for the back of your teeth to stop infections and cavities!!!!

3. Flossing is essential, not mouthwash

Most advertisements and dental hygiene ads focus on brushing and toothpaste but very few speak about flossing. Brushing doesn’t go deep enough into the gums to reach the plaque that causes bad breath. One needs to floss every day and get a professional cleaning done every few months. Using mouthwash is good but not essential. A mouthwash with alcohol dries out your mouth—you’ll smell nice and minty for a half hour, but then the bad breath can come back, hence brush and floss

4. Don’t stress about germs on your toothbrush

There’s no reason to sanitize a toothbrush unless you’re sharing it with other people. Those UV devices and other germ zappers are totally unnecessary. The exception: Replace your toothbrush if you’ve been sick or have had mouth sores.

5. Truth about the toothpaste never told…

Ever thought about what toothpaste really does? New whitening formula? It can get rid of surface stains, but it can’t whiten like professional bleach. Fluoride is good but it alone cannot strengthen your teeth as shown, that depends on the food you eat and your oral hygiene.

Toothpaste is a good accessory to proper brushing but is not a medicine in itself. Any toothpaste will work as long as your brushing technique is proper.

6. Baby teeth are not important

Most dentists will not tell you the truth but baby teeth, but it is more important than you think. Kids having cavities and teeth rotten down to the gums tend to have bad teeth even when they grow up. In fact, young kids with tooth problems and cavities often struggle in school due to pain and school days lost due to tooth troubles. Parents think there’s no reason to pay attention to baby teeth because they fall out. But when a tooth comes out prematurely, other teeth crowd in to fill up the space. Without the right treatment, it turns into a mess. So baby teeth as much attention as permanent teeth.

7. Cold drinks destroy your mouth more than you know

Soda in tall glasses with ice is a sure teeth killer, but no one ever told you that! It cuts through teeth. And it’s not just the sugar—it’s the acid that stains and ruins enamel and the teeth. Soda lowers the pH level of the mouth and softens tooth enamel.  The acidity of the sweeteners and the carbonation can lead to tooth decay.

8. Listen to the dentist, not just Google

Most patients listen more to Google and the sites they read than the actual doctor. It is better to listen to the dentist and in case of doubt, go in for a second opinion from another dentist. trust your doctor and not just the web results because your doctor can accurately diagnose and treat your tooth problems, not Google!

9. Dentists love it when you ask questions

Contrary to what you think, dentists like to explain to you what is wrong with your teeth and how to correct it; provided you are eager to know. So, go right ahead and ask as many questions as you like about the tooth problem and what they can do about it, what is the cost, etc, any good dentist, worth his salt will be more than happy to help and counsel you.

10. Brushing at night is mandatory

Even if no advertisement or dentist ever tells you this, brushing at night is more important than early morning brushing because the bacteria ruin your teeth at night while you sleep especially if there are lodged food particles, sugar extracts or milk remains, hence you must brush at night before you hit the bed to prevent dental decay.

Hence these are the top 10 secrets your dentist may not tell you explicitly but they are actually life-changing, if you decide to follow them!
