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21 Sep
Teeth Sensitivity- Causes and Prevention

Teeth Sensitivity- Causes and Prevention:

Teeth sensitivity occurs when the underlying layer of your teeth is exposed. This can happen as a result of erosion or gum recession. Sensitive tooth pain is typically sharp, sudden, and transient. Pain when eating or drinking cold items such as ice cream, yogurt, or even water is the most common symptom of tooth sensitivity. Pain when brushing your teeth or biting down on hard foods like apples and carrots is another symptom.

Causes Of Teeth Sensitivity :

Tooth sensitivity is usually caused by eroded enamel or exposed roots. This can occur for a variety of reasons.

# Brushing too hard

Brushing too hard or using a toothbrush with hard bristles can wear down the enamel on your teeth and expose the dentin. Brushing too vigorously can also cause gum recession and root exposure. This is why many dentists recommend using a toothbrush with soft bristles.

# Tooth Grinding / Bruxism

Do you find yourself grinding your teeth during the day or waking up with a sore jaw in the morning? Teeth grinding not only wears down your teeth but also damages the enamel and exposes the inner layer of dentin, making your teeth more susceptible to sensitivity and decay.

# Diet

Your diet can also have an impact on your sensitive teeth. Consuming acidic or carbonated drinks and foods such as pickles, tea, tomatoes, and citrus fruits on a regular basis can cause enamel to erode, increasing the likelihood of sensitivity.

# Tooth decay

Tooth decay, broken teeth, chipped teeth, and worn-down fillings or crowns can expose the dentin and cause sensitivity. If this is the case, you will most likely only feel sensitivity in one tooth or region of the mouth rather than the majority of teeth.

# Gum disease (gingivitis)

Gingivitis and periodontal disease are common causes of gum inflammation and recession. Gum recession is when the gum tissue margin that surrounds the teeth wears away or pulls back, exposing the roots of the teeth and causing sensitivity.

  • Exposure to extremes in temperatures, such as hot or cold drinks or food

Prevention and Treatment of Teeth Sensitivity:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Avoid acidic foods like citrus fruits or tomatoes, which can erode the enamel on the surface of teeth and cause pain when eating or drinking hot or cold food.
  • Dental sealants
    Dental sealants are thin resin coatings applied to your teeth by your dentist to help reduce sensitivity. It is critical to remember that dental sealants are only temporary and will eventually go away.
  • Teeth sensitivity occurs when the underlying layer of your teeth is exposed. This can happen as a result of erosion or gum recession.

If teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, is the cause of your sensitive teeth, your dentist may advise you to wear a mouth guard while sleeping.

  • Fluoride Varnish

Fluoride gels and varnishes are extremely concentrated forms of fluoride. Fluoride can be applied to your teeth by your dentist to help relieve some of the pain and discomfort caused by tooth sensitivity. Fluoride varnish can also aid in the strengthening of your enamel and dentin.

  • Bonding agent

If you have sensitive teeth due to exposed root surfaces, your dentist may recommend using a bonding agent to cover the root surface.

  • Crown inlay

If you have tooth sensitivity due to a broken or chipped tooth or dental decay, an inlay may be the best option for you. Crowns are placed over a damaged tooth to protect the sensitive nerve endings from irritants such as acidic food or drinks.

If none of the above options work and your sensitive teeth are affecting your quality of life, your dentist may suggest a root canal treatment. During a root canal, your dentist will remove the pulp or soft nerve tissues inside your tooth that are causing you pain and discomfort.

Tooth sensitivity is not something you have to live with; it can be treated in a variety of ways, depending on the cause and severity of the sensitivity. Call us to schedule an appointment if you are experiencing tooth sensitivity.
