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10 Feb
root canal treatment and an extraction

What Is the Distinction Between a Root Canal Treatment and an Extraction?

Root Canal Treatment and an Extraction – You go to the dentist if you have a painful tooth, and they will take an x-ray. The dentist informs you that the decay is so severe that you must choose between a root canal and an extraction. Which do you prefer? The first step in deciding is learning how to compare a root canal vs. extraction. This guide explains the differences between these.

Root Canal Treatment and an Extraction: Why Might You Need the Procedure?

  • When bacteria penetrate deep into a tooth, there are typically two treatment options: a root canal or extraction. In many cases, the degree of tooth damage determines whether an endodontist recommends one or the other. There are times when even the most skilled endodontists cannot save a natural tooth due to damage or decay.
  • The most common reason for requiring either procedure is dental decay, also known as a cavity. When bacteria in your mouth feed on sugars from your diet, decay occurs. This produces acid, which eats away at the tooth’s enamel and dentin.
  • If the decay is small, a dentist can quickly clean it out and place a filling to stop the process.
  • However, if this treatment is not used, the decay will progress deeper into the tooth. 
  • Once inside the tooth, bacteria continue to spread, causing inflammation and discomfort. Symptoms can range from a dull ache to discomfort when biting or temperature sensitivity.
  • Never ignore dental pain because it indicates that you require a dental examination.
  • A broken or cracked tooth is another reason for requiring an extraction or root canal.
  •  An endodontist will use advanced imaging technology to assess the damage and determine whether root canal therapy or endodontic surgery can save the tooth.
  • Vertical fractures below the gum line may necessitate extraction. Consultation with an endodontist will inform you of your options.

Root Canal Treatment and an Extraction Procedure:

  • A dental extraction may be a simple, non-surgical procedure in which the dentist pulls the tooth from the mouth while numbing your gums with a local anaesthetic. However, in some cases, surgical extraction may be required. In these cases, an oral surgeon will extract the tooth, possibly under IV sedation.
  • Additional surgical intervention will be required if you choose a dental implant to replace the missing tooth.
  • In order for the bone to heal, the first surgery is often delayed for several months after the extraction. A titanium screw, or implant, will be surgically implanted into the jaw bone by the dentist. To secure the implant, you will need to allow your bone to heal around it after surgery.
  • The following surgery will “uncover” the implant that is beneath the gums. After that has healed, the implant will be fitted with a crown.
  • Once completed, you will have an artificial tooth replacement that feels and functions like a natural tooth. However, the procedure can take months to complete.
  • Root canal therapy, on the other hand, is not a surgical procedure and is a far less invasive treatment that allows you to keep your natural tooth.
  • A root canal involves cleaning out the inside of the tooth to relieve pain. The entire procedure usually takes about an hour and feels similar to getting a filling.
  • There is no bleeding because everything takes place inside the tooth. You will only need to be numb as you would for a filling, and no IV sedation is required. You will be able to drive yourself home and return to work the following day.

Root Canal Treatment and an Extraction Recovery Time

  • The recovery time is a significant difference between root canal treatment and extraction. You may experience discomfort at the extraction site for several weeks. If you decide to get an implant, you will have to recover for several weeks after each surgery.
  • Although root canal treatment may cause some minor discomfort for a few days, most patients report that it is painless and comparable to having a cavity filled.

Root Canal Treatment and Extraction Long-Term Results

  • Root canal therapy can help you keep your tooth. You may avoid the need for dentures or dental bridges in your later years if you choose this option. Keeping more of your natural teeth is the best option for your jaw’s health and appearance.
  • Extractions can have complications, especially if you do not opt for an implant. Teeth can shift in your mouth and change your bite if you do not have a tooth replacement.
  • Furthermore, when a tooth is extracted, the jawbone surrounding the tooth recedes and does not regrow.
  • When the jaw is not supported by a tooth, the bone begins to thin and wear away. 
  • People who wear dentures report that they need to be refitted or that their face changes shape over time as their jawbone thins.
  • If you decide to get an implant years later, you may need additional surgery to graft bone to the site so that the implant can be held in place.

Partha Dental can help you avoid extraction by providing Root Canal Treatment.

If you believe you require root canal therapy, please contact us right away. You can quickly recover from your tooth discomfort and resume your life while keeping your tooth and saving your wallet!

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