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8 Oct
teeth implants treatment

Myths And Facts About Teeth Implants

About Teeth Implants:

Many people are embarrassed about losing their natural teeth and prefer not to discuss replacement options. As a result, you may not feel comfortable reaching out to inquire about teeth implants and other artificial teeth. A lack of information about dental implants may continue to promote misconceptions and leave you with more questions than answers. Let’s separate the facts from some common dental implant myths to help you decide if a dental implant is right for you.

Myth: Teeth implants can harm your gums and jaw.

The prospect of having a metal implant placed in your gums and jaw can seem to be harmful.

Fact: Teeth implants protect your teeth and mouth.

When compared to dentures or bridges, dental implants significantly improve oral health. Dental implants provide two types of protection for your mouth:

Preserving neighboring teeth: When you lose a tooth, your neighboring teeth may drift into the space left by the missing tooth. This gap is filled by a dental implant, which keeps your teeth straight and in place. Dental implants eliminate the need to hook or cut adjacent teeth to keep your full smile in good shape.

Bone preservation: When natural tooth roots are no longer anchored to your jawbone, that section of bone begins to deteriorate and gradually decreases. Dental implants act as replacements for tooth roots, preserving your jawbone and facial structure.

Myth: Teeth implants will only last ten years.

A 10-year lifespan is more in line with bridges than dental implants. This 10-year lifespan is typically caused by a weakened tooth structure that serves as the bridge’s support. Dental implants, on the other hand, have a much longer lifespan.

Fact: Teeth implants are built to last a lifetime.

These are designed to last a lifetime. According to studies, dental implants are 95% to 98% successful. Moreover, unlike bridges, the success rate of dental implants does not diminish with time. You can be confident that dental implants will provide a long-term solution when you choose them.

Myth: Getting teeth implants is painful.

Fact: Your doctor will administer anesthesia to numb your teeth and gums during the procedure. Despite the fact that it is a surgical procedure, dental implants are not as painful as you may think. However, you will feel a slight pressure at the site of the procedure but no pain.

Myth: Dental implants involve special care and regular maintenance.

Fact: Dental implants do not require any special cleaning or maintenance. All you have to do is practice good oral hygiene. You can treat your dental implant the same way as your natural teeth. Keeping your teeth clean is as simple as brushing and flossing.

Myth: Dental implants can be visible.

Fact: Dental implants resemble natural teeth. This means that your dental implant will not stand out among your natural teeth. Unless you tell someone, no one will notice your tooth implant.

Myth: Teeth implants feel artificial and fake.

The practicality of any artificial tooth is critical. You want your artificial teeth to blend in with your natural teeth and appear natural. Aside from that, you want chewing and talking to feel normal.

Fact: Dental implants appear and feel natural.

Teeth implants achieve their natural appearance and feel in a number of ways:

  • Appearance: The tooth-shaped portion of a dental implant, known as a crown, is made of ceramic or porcelain. These crowns are made to look like your natural teeth in terms of shape, color, and appearance.
  • Dental implants keep your smile and facial structure as natural as possible because they prevent your jawbone from deteriorating.
  • Dental implants function similarly to natural teeth. They also do not slip or make any noise like dentures or bridges.
  • Dental implants provide one of the most realistic experiences available when compared to bridges and dentures.

Myth: It takes a long time to recover from dental implant surgery.

Fact: No, dental implant surgery does not take long to heal, especially when using the medications prescribed by your dentist and maintaining good oral hygiene which helps in reducing recovery time.

Myth: I Can’t Get a Dental Implant for several years after an Extraction.

If you had a tooth extracted years ago, you are not ineligible for a dental implant. You may be able to switch to an implant even if you’ve been using dentures or a bridge since your extraction.

Fact: You might still be eligible for an implant.

Your bone health is the most important consideration for a dental implant. If your bone density remains high, the implant will have a solid foundation. If your bone density has significantly decreased since your extraction, the implant may be unable to adhere to the bone. You may still be eligible after having bone grafts in this case. Your dentist can evaluate your current situation and advise you on whether a dental implant is still an option for you.