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28 Sep
Keep Your TeethBraces Clean And Hygienic

How To Keep Your TeethBraces Clean And Hygienic !

Teeth Braces are amazing because they help position your teeth in the right place and can give you the perfect smile that will make you feel more confident. But they do bear some discomfort and hard work when it comes to keeping them clean.
Get ready to spend a little more time to keep them bacteria free. Make sure that your braces are completely clean of food particles that could get trapped in them and lead to damaging its life and increasing bacteria in the mouth.

What are the best ways to maintain good oral hygiene while you’re wearing teeth braces?

Your orthodontist at Partha Dental will guide you and answer all of your specific queries and give excellent, substantiated guidance, but for now we’ve outlined some tips for you below.

Brushing Is Extremely Important while wearing teeth braces:

Brushing your teeth when you have braces is critical. Some people avoid brushing thinking that it might get stuck in braces but that’s a fallacy! It’s a major step in removing debris and bacteria that could mold and lead to serious tooth problems later on!

Experts recommend brushing after every meal, including snacks, so that you can keep your braces as clean as possible and help remove any stains on the teeth. But if you don’t do that, you should at least stick to brushing a minimum of two times a day, in the morning and before bed.

You can also gargle your mouth with water or mouthwash several times a day, as that can help loosen debris and keep your teeth braces clean and healthy!

Be Gentle With Your Teeth:Always avoid biting pens and other hard objects, and only use your teeth to chew food, not to open containers! Also, please let us know if you have a habit of grinding your teeth. We can assist you in breaking that habit in order to protect your teeth.

Using an interdental toothbrush which is tinier than normal helps clean in between every set of braces. This will help brush down particles that could be hard for your regular toothbrush to reach.

Holding a soft- bristled toothbrush at a 45 ° angle makes it easier to get around the legs and cables of your teeth braces.

Do not be in a rush and nicely take out the time to clean your braces and teeth !

Once you’re done brushing, it’s time to floss. We know it’s annoying, but it’s really important, especially when you have traditional braces. The good news is that you can stick to flossing just once a day, although you could clearly do it more frequently if you want or need to. Talk to your orthodontist about special flossing threads especially for people with teeth braces and flossing tools like thread benders!

Brushing from top to bottom, every single time will help you remove debris.

Remember to blow and check your breath for any bad smell, if it smells clean then your mouth is clean !

Consume Braces-Safe Foods:Certain foods should be avoided while wearing teeth braces. Sticky foods, such as caramel or gum, can become stuck in your braces and be difficult to remove while brushing. Hard foods, such as nuts and candy, should also be avoided. Those goodies have the ability to bend wires and even break brackets. Don’t worry; the majority of these dietary changes are only temporary. You’ll soon be able to eat your favourite foods again.

Be regular with your dental check ups – get your braces cleaned professionally and you are good to go ! For more help contact us at Partha Dental clinics !

For the best paediatric braces in town contact Partha Dental Clinics , 130+ clinics across various locations !
